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Diane Chaplin

‘Welcome to All align Chiropractic Clinic. I’m a chiropractor based in Liss village. I use a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing through a hands on approach. My experienced, gentle, sacral occipital techniques (SOT), Cranial techniques, advice and specific exercises aim to align your body and keep you at your optimum level of health.’

Love your spine at all align

Diane is dedicated to improving the health of her patients, maintaining an approachable and friendly attitude, and living up to her excellent reputation within the local community.

Diane set up All align Ltd chiropractic clinic in 2021 with a mission to improve the lives of everyone from 4 day old babies to patients in their nineties. Specialising in helping and supporting individuals get the most out of life by reducing pain and improving mobility with safe and effective treatment and management of problems ranging from headaches to toe pain and everything in between.

Your nervous system is part housed by your spine and skull, so these are areas where there is much focus effort. Diane assesses where poor functioning joints as well as cranial bones, muscles and nerves that result in pain and mobility problems as well as general poor health. Typically a chiropractic treatment involves a combination of skilful realignment, nutritional and lifestyle advice, and often with an exercise programme.

All align looks forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your optimum health.

blonde lady wearing purple blouse and spectacles smiling at camera

Diane Chaplin

‘Welcome to All align Chiropractic Clinic. Im a chiropractor based in Liss village. I use a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing through a hands on approach. My experienced, gentle, sacral occipital techniques (SOT), Cranial techniques, advice and specific exercises aim to align your body and keep you at your optimum level of health.’

British Chiropractic Association logo in teal
General Chiropractic Council logo in black and turquoise
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